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I think that the word you are looking for is 'probability.'

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Q: What word is used to measure the likelihood that an event will happen?
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What does proberbility mean in maths?

In mathematics, probability refers to the likelihood or chance of an event occurring. It is a numerical value between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates that the event is impossible and 1 indicates that the event is certain to happen. Probability is used to model and analyze random phenomena and is a fundamental concept in statistics and probability theory.

What is the equation used to determine probability in what ways can probability be expressed?

Probability = number of times an event is expected to happen / number of opportunities for an event to happen It can be expressed as a percentage or a fraction.

Why is probability called probability?

It is also called chance and likelihood, these are often used interchangeably. Expresed in decimals or fractions and it can assume any number from 0 to 1. Closer to 0 the less likely the event will happen. Closer to 1 the probability will most likely happen. Therefore, there are only two probabilities that even will occur or not. The start of the word 'Probability' is also the start of the word 'Probable' which means 'likely'. At a guess, the word 'Probability' derives from the Latin word 'Probabilis'.

When is probability used?

Probability is used to extrapolate the likelihood of a future event, so if you think about it, it's used all the time by everyone everyday. Here are some main applications: - Data Analysis - Quantum Mechanics - Thermodynamics - Meteorology - Social Science - Business ans Finance. The list is near endless.

Meters are the unit for what kind of measurement?

Meters are used to measure length.Meters are used to measure length.Meters are used to measure length.Meters are used to measure length.

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What does proberbility mean in maths?

In mathematics, probability refers to the likelihood or chance of an event occurring. It is a numerical value between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates that the event is impossible and 1 indicates that the event is certain to happen. Probability is used to model and analyze random phenomena and is a fundamental concept in statistics and probability theory.

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What is the equation used to determine probability in what ways can the probability be expressed?

Probability = number of times an event is expected to happen / number of opportunities for an event to happen It can be expressed as a percentage or a fraction.

What is the equation used to determine probability in what ways can probability be expressed?

Probability = number of times an event is expected to happen / number of opportunities for an event to happen It can be expressed as a percentage or a fraction.

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No, the word "probably" is an adverb. It is used to indicate a high likelihood or likelihood of something happening.

Why in Cox's regression model partial likelihood is used instead of ordinary likelihood function?

Cox model applies to observations in time (i.e. processes, or functions of t). The true likelihood for that function would be a function of (functions of t), obtained by expressing the probability in a space of (functions of t) as [density]*[reference measure on (functions of t)] The factor [density] would be the true likelihood. The partial likelihood is a factor of [density] involving only the parameters of interest: [density] = [partial likelihood]*[....] There is no point in working with the full likelihood, in the sense that the nice properties of the MLE apply to parameters from a finite dimensional space, and would not automatically apply to the full likelihood in the space of (functiosn of t). That is why, for example, one needs to rework the large sample theory of estimators based on partial likelihood.