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The middle number. For example out of the listed numbers

5, 8, 4, 6, 2

... 4 is the median.

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Q: What word median in math?
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How do you use the word median in a sentence?

Just say.... I will/am learning how to find the median in Math class.

What does the word median mean in math?

Meadian means middle.

What is the median score math?

In a sorted list of number, the median score in math is the number in the middle of the list.

What does the word 'median' indicate in math?

In a list of numbers in sorted order, the median is the middle number in rank order. It is a number with as many values above it as below it.

What is similar for the Median and Mode in math?

Median and mode are in mathematics.

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What is the definition of median in math?

the median is the middle number in a set of data.

What is the definition of mean and median in math?

Mean is the average, and median is the middle number.

What does the term of median mean in math?

The median is the middle value of a list of numbers. In [1,6,34] the median value is 6.

What is median grade in 5th grade?

the median in math is the middle number of your data for example: 1,3,5,7,9. the median in that is 5.

What is the meaning of the word median while doing math?

Median is the middle number, when the whole set of numbers is arranged from least to greatest. If there are two middle numbers, the median is the average of both of the middle numbers (when the set of numbers is arranged from least to greatest)

How do get the median in math?

To find the Median in Math, if you have two numbers, the Median will be the middle number. If you had 1 and 10 to find the Median from, the answer would be 5. Also, if the highest number is not an even number, you use a point. Example: 1 ----- ? ----- 9 ? = 4.5. That solve your answer?