Among other things, the speed of light in a vacuum.
In the word "center," the letter C represents the sound /s/.
The backward c, followed by an o and then a regular c can represent the word "cool" in text messaging or informal communication.
If the "you" is supposed to represent an "I", then the answer is Conceited.
The word care is sometimes abbreviated by the letter c. For example, the phrase "care of" can be abbreviated as c/o.
In the phrase "Chartered Accountant", abbreviated CA, the word "chartered" is abbreviated to C.
No it is not there is only 2 prepositions that start with "C". That is the answer if you meant if it was a preposition. If you are asking if it is a prepositional phrase then the answer is also NO because a phrase has to have more than one word.
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"Computer" is not an abbreviation. It means "one that computes", or solves math problems.