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Q: What word tells the value found by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation?
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How is standard deviation found?

Formally, the standard deviation is the square root of the variance. The variance is the mean of the squares of the difference between each observation and their mean value. An easier to remember form for variance is: the mean of the squares minus the square of the mean.

Give an example of how standard deviation can be useful Also why is underestimating the standard deviation as in the case with the Range Rule Thumb a better method than overestimating?

to calculate the standard deviation you must put each number in order from the least to the gr east then you must find your mean after you find your mean you must subtract your mean from each of the data set numbers once you finishsubtracting the data set numbers you add them up and divide by the amount of numbers there are and you have found the standard deviation.

What is the qualifying time for the fastest 5 percent of all runners if the average finishing time is 5 minutes 17 seconds with standard deviation of 12 seconds?

Assuming a normal distribution: For the fastest 5% we need to find the z value which gives 100% - 5% = 95% of the area under the normal curve (from -∞). Using single tailed tables, we need the z value which gives 95% - 50% = 0.45 (above the mean); this is found to be z ≈ 1.645 z = (value - mean)/standard deviation → value = mean + z × standard deviation ≈ 5 min 17 sec + 1.645 × 12 sec ≈ 5 min 17 sec + 20 s = 5 min 37 sec

What is the probability that z is greater than 0.75 which one is the answer 0.7734 0.72660.2734 0.2266?

The answer is 0.2266. This can be found by looking up the z-score of 0.75 in a standard normal distribution table and subtracting that value from 1.

How many feet is 112 inches?

9.33333333 or 9.4 is what i found but i think its 8.5 im not for sure try dividing 112 by 12 9.33333333 or 9.4 is what i found but i think its 8.5 im not for sure try dividing 112 by 12

Related questions

What is the purpose of quartile deviation?

In a data sample, the purpose of quartile deviation is a way to measure data dispersion instead of using the range. The quartile deviation is found by subtracting the lower quartile from the upper quartile, and dividing this result by two.

What is the difference standard error of mean and sampling error?

The standard error of the mean and sampling error are two similar but still very different things. In order to find some statistical information about a group that is extremely large, you are often only able to look into a small group called a sample. In order to gain some insight into the reliability of your sample, you have to look at its standard deviation. Standard deviation in general tells you spread out or variable your data is. If you have a low standard deviation, that means your data is very close together with little variability. The standard deviation of the mean is calculated by dividing the standard deviation of the sample by the square root of the number of things in the sample. What this essentially tells you is how certain are that your sample accurately describes the entire group. A low standard error of the mean implies a very high accuracy. While the standard error of the mean just gives a sense for how far you are away from a true value, the sampling error gives you the exact value of the error by subtracting the value calculated for the sample from the value for the entire group. However, since it is often hard to find a value for an entire large group, this exact calculation is often impossible, while the standard error of the mean can always be found.

How is standard deviation found?

Formally, the standard deviation is the square root of the variance. The variance is the mean of the squares of the difference between each observation and their mean value. An easier to remember form for variance is: the mean of the squares minus the square of the mean.

Give an example of how standard deviation can be useful Also why is underestimating the standard deviation as in the case with the Range Rule Thumb a better method than overestimating?

to calculate the standard deviation you must put each number in order from the least to the gr east then you must find your mean after you find your mean you must subtract your mean from each of the data set numbers once you finishsubtracting the data set numbers you add them up and divide by the amount of numbers there are and you have found the standard deviation.

IQ test scores are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 An individual's IQ score is found to be 110 Find the z-score corresponding to this value?

mean= 100 standard deviation= 15 value or x or n = 110 the formula to find the z-value = (value - mean)/standard deviation so, z = 110-100/15 = .6666666 = .6667

What is the solution to 5 equals 3x plus 2?

The solution to 5 = 3x + 2 is found by first subtracting 2:3 = 3x.Then dividing by 3:x = 1.

What are the words that can be found within the word deviation?

at, on , no , video,

What makes the range less desirable than the standard deviation as a measure of dispersion?

Range can include outliers that are not normal values and can skew overall data. Most relevant values can be found within one or two standard deviations on a normal curve.

Density if found by dividing what two things?

Density is found by dividing the mass of an object by its volume.

Where is the confidentiality agreement check box usually found on a form template?

Most commonly, the confidentiality agreement is placed near the end of a legal document. However, deviation from standard template is possible when necessary.

What is the variance and standard devation of 7?

"Variance" and "Standard deviation" are numbers that describe a set of data that typically contains several numbers. Applied to a single number, neither of them has any meaning. -- The variance, standard deviation, and mean squared error of 7 are all zero. -- The mean, median, mode, average, max, min, RMS, and absolute value of 7 are all 7 . None of these facts tells you a thing about ' 7 ' that you didn't already know as soon as you found out that it was ' 7 '.

Which average is found by adding the numbers then dividing by how many there are?

The mean of a set of numbers is found by adding them together and dividing by how many numbers were added.