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Q: What words could be used to read 14.895?
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What words can be used to describe Autumn?

Words used to describe a noun are adjectives. Examples of adjectives that may be used to describe the noun 'autumn' are:chillycolorfulbriskbreezypicturesqueunpredictableJohn Keats wrote a poem called "Autumn" read that it could not be explained better.

How do you understand words that were used a long time ago?

Read a King James Bible and Sheakesphere. You learn the old words by the context the words are used in and some dictionaries still have the words listed.

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When to use the word hasn't?

"Hasn't" is a contraction of the words "has" and "not". The word is used informally in the place of "has not". For example, if a sentence read "He has not done his chores yet," it could be informally written as "He hasn't done his chores yet".

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What is another word for this?

There are many words could be used to replace other words. You could the word feline to replace cat for example.

What does figurtive language means?

it means word variety (like using words that have different meanings instead of being bland using the same words over and over) also it could be used for imagery (which is using figurative language to make an image in your head as you read.)

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Who used books in ancient Rome?

Books were used by everyone who could read in ancient Rome. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers, poets, school children and anyone who just wanted to read. Book copying was a major business in ancient Rome.Books were used by everyone who could read in ancient Rome. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers, poets, school children and anyone who just wanted to read. Book copying was a major business in ancient Rome.Books were used by everyone who could read in ancient Rome. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers, poets, school children and anyone who just wanted to read. Book copying was a major business in ancient Rome.Books were used by everyone who could read in ancient Rome. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers, poets, school children and anyone who just wanted to read. Book copying was a major business in ancient Rome.Books were used by everyone who could read in ancient Rome. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers, poets, school children and anyone who just wanted to read. Book copying was a major business in ancient Rome.Books were used by everyone who could read in ancient Rome. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers, poets, school children and anyone who just wanted to read. Book copying was a major business in ancient Rome.Books were used by everyone who could read in ancient Rome. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers, poets, school children and anyone who just wanted to read. Book copying was a major business in ancient Rome.Books were used by everyone who could read in ancient Rome. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers, poets, school children and anyone who just wanted to read. Book copying was a major business in ancient Rome.Books were used by everyone who could read in ancient Rome. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers, poets, school children and anyone who just wanted to read. Book copying was a major business in ancient Rome.

When notating music for others to read composers have traditionally used what words to indicate dynamics.?


How did Helen Keller read?

Helen Keller learned to read through the tactile method known as finger spelling. She ran her fingers over raised text to understand words. Additionally, she used a braille system to read books and other written material.

What could be used for storing info on your credit card?

A magnetic strip, which can be read by a card reader.