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x2 = 1

x = +1 or -1, this one is the most basic of them all

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Q: What would An example of an equation with more than one solution be?
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Does an equation has a solution?

Yes and sometimes it can have more than one solution.

What is A number that makes a equation true?

The solution set is the answers that make an equation true. So I would call it the solution.

What does one solution mean in math?

An equation may have zero, one, or more solutions (this is also true for a system of equations). The equation 2 + x = 5 has only solution, for example. x can only equal 3, so there is one solution. (An example of an equation with more that one solution is x2 = 4. In this case x can equal 2 or -2, so this equation has two solutions. An example of an equation with an infinite number of solutions is x + 6 = 3*2 + x. x can equal any number to make this equation true, so it has an infinite number of solutions. The equation x = x + 1 is an example of an equation with no solutions.)

When you square each side of an equation is the resulting equation equivalent to the original?

No. The resulting equation has more solutions. For example, x = 2 has only one solution and that is x = 2.butx2= 4, the squared equation, has two solutions: x = +2 and x = -2No. The resulting equation has more solutions. For example, x = 2 has only one solution and that is x = 2.butx2= 4, the squared equation, has two solutions: x = +2 and x = -2No. The resulting equation has more solutions. For example, x = 2 has only one solution and that is x = 2.butx2= 4, the squared equation, has two solutions: x = +2 and x = -2No. The resulting equation has more solutions. For example, x = 2 has only one solution and that is x = 2.butx2= 4, the squared equation, has two solutions: x = +2 and x = -2

A number that makes an equation true?

A number that makes an equation true is a solution. If there is more than one answer to an equation (such as an equation like): (x-2)(x+4)=0 then it is called a solution set (and in this case would be x={-4, 2}).

What does no solution mean in algebra?

An equation can have zero solutions, one solution, two solutions, or many solutions. A solution is any number that, when replaced into the equation, will give an equality. An example of an equation without a solution is x = x + 1. No matter what number you use for "x", the right part will always be one more than the left part. Therefore, the equation has no solution. (Also, if you subtract "x" from each side, you get the equation 0 = 1, which is obviously false.)

For which variable do you solve to determine the molarity of the stock solution given the equation M1V1 equals M2V2?

You would solve for M1, which represents the molarity of the stock solution. The equation M1V1 = M2V2 is used to calculate the molarity of a stock solution when you know the volume and molarity of a more diluted solution.

An equation has one solution?

A linear equation in one variable has one solution. An equation of another kind may have none, one, or more - including infinitely many - solutions.

What is the global solution of an ordinary differential equation?

The global solution of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) is a solution of which there are no extensions; i.e. you can't add a solution to the global solution to make it more general, the global solution is as general as it gets.

Which answer is a solution to 4x-8-2 0 or 2?

4x-8-2 can be more easily written as 4x-10. The solution to this equation would be 5/2

What is the number that can replace a variable in an equation to make it a true equation?

what is the number that can replace a variable in a equation to make it a true equation? 8 letters this is not a good answer go look 4 a notha one

How do you make a mixture and a solution?

By taking 2 or more things and putting them together. For example, if you take Kosher salt and water, that would a mixture AND a solution. the solution would be SALTWATER and the mixture would be salt and water.