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  • Ï€ to 102 digits (if the number started 3.14159265...);
  • e to 102 digits (if the number started 2.7182818...);
  • very big or very small - depending upon where the decimal point is.

Assuming you mean a whole number of 102 digits, then:

It would be of the order of 10101 = 10 x 10100 = ten googol.

  • On the long scale (based on powers of a million) as used in countries like Europe:
10101 = 100,000 x (106)16 = 100 thousand 16-illions = 100 16-illiards.

Which I guess would be something like 100 thousand sedicillion or 100 sedicilliard.

  • On the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one) as used in countries like USA:
10101 = 100 x (106)32+1 = 100 32-illions.

Which I guess would be something like 100 bitrintillion.

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Q: What would a number be called that contains 102 digits?
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