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Q: What would a shape with 360 sides look like?
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What shape has all sides the same length and has a diamond shape?

a square, altough to get it to look like a "diamond" you would have to look at it diagonally.

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It has four sides.

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What would a shape with A figure with 4 pairs of parallel sides look like?

The simplest would be an octagon; but you could also have polygons with 9 or more sides.

What does a quateratural shape look like?

a quateratural is any shape that has 4 sides

What does a rectangular pentagon look like?

It can look like a four-sided shape with five sides or a five-sided shape with four sides. The term is self-contradictory and so such a shape cannot exist!

What does a triangle with only two sides equal look like on a grid paper?

It is an isosceles triangle and would look like a cone shape on graph paper

How many sides does the biggest shape have?

There is no limit to the number of sides that a particular shape can have. The Icosahedron has 20 sides. It would tend to the circle as the number tends to infinity: even a 360-sided polygon (1 degree internal angles) would look a bit like like a pixellated circle.

What does a heptagon look like the shape?

A heptagon is a 2-dimensional shape that has 7 sides.

What does a shape with 4 sides and NO symmetry look like?

To have no symmetry the four sides would all have different lengths, and each angle would also be different. The figure would not look like a square or a rectangle, but would instead be an irregular 4-sided polygon.

What does irregular octagon look like?

It is a shape that has 8 sides but does not look like a regular octagon. As long as it has 8 sides it is an irregular octagon.

What does a circle look like?

a 2 diminsional shape with no sides or points