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Let's assume that a cooler having 50 liters per hour capacity means 50*79.8=3990 k cal /h and this means 3990/3024=1.319 TR is the actual design capacity.

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Q: What would be a capacity of a water cooler?
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What unit of measure would you use to measure the capacity of a water cooler?


How many liters does a water cooler hold?

It depends on the type of water cooler, but you can probably find the capacity at the bottom of the cooler.

How much is the capacity of a water cooler?

The capacity of a water cooler varies, it depends upon the requirement as for schools, hospitals, leisure centers and many more.

What would you use to measure the capacity of a water cooler?


What is the metric unit of capacity of a water cooler?

a liter

What will happen to filled up water balloons in a cooler over night?

The water balloons will remain intact but will reach the same temperature as the cooler. If the cooler is cold, the water balloons will also be cold. If the cooler is warm, the water balloons will also be warm.

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Engine oil capacity on a 2007 road king with oil cooler?

4.3 quarts. (With cooler).

What are the best water coolers?

Some popular and highly-rated water cooler brands include Avalon, Primo, and Whirlpool. When choosing a water cooler, consider factors such as size, capacity, hot/cold water options, and filtration system to find the best one for your needs. Reading reviews and checking for certifications like Energy Star can also help in selecting a quality water cooler.

Why the water is cooler than the sand.?

Water has a higher specific heat capacity than sand, meaning it can absorb more heat before its temperature changes. This allows water to stay cooler than the sand during the day when both are heated by the sun. Additionally, water's ability to mix and circulate helps distribute heat more evenly, keeping it cooler compared to the sand.

How many degrees cooler on the Fahrenheit scale would the water have to be in order to freeze?

Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, so the water would have to be 32 degrees cooler on the Fahrenheit scale in order to freeze.

Can you thaw a turkey in a cooler filled with water outside at -5 degrees F?

Your turkey probably would not thaw at -5 degrees F. In fact, the water in the cooler would freeze solid.