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This will depend upon the data range for milligrams of nicotine. If the data is 105, 115, 118, 112 and 109, the stem would be 1 and the leaves would be 05, 15, 18, 12 and 09 with a single data point on each leaf.

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Q: What would be a stem and leaf display for milligrams of nicotine per cigarette smoked?
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Is nature a boon or a curse to man?

Answer It isn't nature that is the curse to man. Man is his own worst enemy. I don't know how old you are but I am in my late 50's and the air that I used to breath when I was ten years old was a lot cleaner than it is today, thanks to man's inovations and greed for money we have no one to thank for the way the earth is screwed up, but ourselves. Look at all the polution in the air today. How many people die of Cancer each year is staggering and it's not only cigarette smoke that causes Cancer. Many people die from Cancer each day and they never smoked a cigarette in their lives. If anything we have to be grateful that we have mother nature and green forests to soften the blow of acid rain and chemicals that flow through the air from one Country to the other.

What is the cost of 1lb 12oz of smoked turkey at a price of 5.40 per pound?

Price / Pound = 5.40 / 1 Pound / Oz = 1 / 16 Price / oz = 5.40 / 16 = .3375 1 pound + 12 oz = 16 + 12 = 28 28 oz * 0.3375 lb/oz = 9.45 Answer = $9.45

If you smoked less than a joint 3 days ago and have a test in 2 days what can you do?

Pee in the cup and hope for the best. But, really, you should strongly consider giving up the dope. There are so many excellent opportunities that would be out of reach if they ask for a pre-employment test. It just isn't worth it in the long run.

What percent of kids in the US smoke?

According to a recent study by TSKOA, approx. 99 percent of kids in the US have smoked once in their lives from ages 5-12. All kids above age 12 that we interviewed did, and only 80 percent of them still do. They say quote: It makes me feel good. I'm flying. WEeeee. :unquote.

What long term damage would be done from smoking meth everyday 0.5 - 1.0g pure for 1 yr in late 20s male also been heavy drinker half to 1 bottle scotch daily and has smoked weed daily last 5 yr?

A lot.This isn't good at all and you should speak to your local GP.It may cause...lung damageliver damageblood shot eyes / bad breath / teeth etcNOTHING GOOD.

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My last cigarette was 5 days ago will the nicotine of left your body yet?

Yes, nicotine leaves the body three days after the last cigarette smoked.

How many mg of nicotine is in a regular Newport cigarette?

I do not know the actual milligram-per-cigarette content, but I used to be a smoker, years ago - I smoked Camels, yet - and I can tell you that Newports packed a powerful load of nicotine per cigarette, at least in those days.

What is a cigarette dimp?

a cigarette dimp is the filter of a smoked cigarette that has been extinguished in an ashtray normally.

How wany cigarettes can be smoked at once?

If gasp cigarettes have 5 mg tar and 0.4 mg nicotine per cigarette and there are 20 cigarettes per pack, how many packs of cigarettes would hve to be smoked to coat your lungs with 4 0z (1/4) of tar? How many packs would you have to smoke to introduce your lungs to one gram of drug nicotine?

How does the electric cigarette work?

An electric cigarette, is a battery-powered device that provides inhaled doses of nicotine or non-nicotine vaporized solution. It is an alternative to smoked tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. In addition to purported nicotine delivery, this vapor also provides a flavor and physical sensation similar to that of inhaled tobacco smoke, while no cigarette's smoke or combustion is actually involved in its operation. Basically electronic cigarette consist of 3 main parts: a battery, a nicotine cartridge and an atomizer. Atomizer is the heating element serves to vaporize the liquid in the mouthpiece so that it can be inhaled. The atomizer is activated when the user takes a drag on the device.

How is tobacco and nicotine taken or used?

Please note that both tobacco (which contains nicotine and other substances) and nicotine are dangerous substances - whether smoked or used in some other form. Tobacco is often smoked. Sometimes it is chewed as well.

Do pigeons eat cigarette butts?

Yes, I've seen it with my own eyes. Someone was feeding bread crumbs to a pigeon and the pigeon thought that an old cigarette butt was one of the crumbs. I wonder about the physical/medical consequences for the pigeon? I wonder if this happens a lot? <><><><> Likely to be fatal. There is a very high amount of nicotine in the filter of a smoked cigarette.

Is 36 mg a lot of nicotine in a cigeratte?

It's the highest that a manufacturer should go. So yes it is high. Anything over 36 can make most people sick and can kill a child. Regardless of being in pure form or smoked. Nicotine can be as high as 900mg in its purist form. But this can be cut by diluting it with other chemicals. The Average nicotine in a cigarette is 18mg or 24mg.

Where is the cigarette lighter socket in a VW transporter?

There is no cigarette lighter. Great for me because I never smoked

What is a dog end?

A "dog end" is a British term for the leftover or stub end of a cigarette that has been smoked. It is often discarded as waste.

How many packs of electronic cigarettes refills would it take to kill you if ingested?

An e-cigarette cartilage (one electric cigarette) can be filled with a solution containing different amounts of nicotine. On average, one contains about 3.6mg of nicotine. For an adult, who is a non-smoker, about 60mg would be fatal. So about 17 electric cigarettes, smoked in short succession could kill someone. However due to a number of factors (such as the absorption of the nicotine, the person's tolerance, and the density of the nicotine solution) it would probably take more to deliver a fatal dose.

Can a doctor find out you smoked an e cig?

if they do a blood test for nicotine.