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Q: What would be classified as an individual variable pay plan?
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What is a variable annuity company able to offer me?

There are many companies that offer variable annuities. Metlife and ING are two of the larger companies. They can work with your individual situation and create a good financial plan for you.

Which is not an operational variable?

A mobilization plan is not an operational variable.

Is not an operational variable?

A mobilization plan is not an operational variable.

How do you Calculate the Percent to Plan?

To calculate the Percent to Plan, you can first substitute the variable X for the percent and the variable Y for the Plan, and then you can solve for the end rate of percent to plan easily.

Would it be cheaper to have family plan car Insurance or individual car insurance per person?

It is usually much cheaper to have an individual car insurance plan.

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida cover bariatric surgery?

This could depend on whether you are talking about a group plan or an individual plan. Under a group plan, proof of "medically necessary" from your doctor would be the first question BCBSFL would ask. If you have a group plan, ask your employer to see the fine print of the actual policy. Under an individual plan, BCBSFL has height and weight restrictions on whether or not you actually eligible to purchase the plan. If you indeed are a candidate for bariatric surgery, you would not be eligible for individual coverage because of the height and weight restrictions.

How do you determine which variable goes on the x-axis?

The variable that goes on the x axis is the independent variable. For example if you were measuring time and plant growth you would put time on the x axis, because the time is independent and doesn't depend on the plan growth.

Need Individual Health Plan. I have an individual plan Does your insurer have to extend coverage to your adult child?

This is an interesting question because lots of consumers confuse an individual health plan with a family health plan. However, there is no provision in federal law for extending coverage to a young adult under an individual plan.

Can a single individual buy into an HRA?

I believe that the answer is yes in most USA states. Even an HSA would be available to an individual with an individual plan. Hope this helped you, and Good Luck.

What is an individual plan?

It is often used in disability and health services, where one will develop and individual health plan, educational plan, learning plan to suit an individuals need.

Is Variable whole life insurance a good investment?

When making a decision about an investment I would always reccommend you look at guarantees! Whole life....Guaranteed. Variable Whole Life.....? If you are going to make investments in variable then why would you not buy Mutual Funds? You still need life insurance for protection and as a plan of completion, I would just look closely at Variable. EVERYONE needs whole life.

What is some of benefits of saving as individual?

Individual 401k plan is a type of an insurance plan. Many benefits are added upon availing the individual 401k plan including health, family and death insurances.