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Doubling and subtracting 1

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Q: What would be half of something and then adding one to it would be the exact opposite?
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What is opposite of piece?

The opposite concept of a piece (of something) would be the whole.

When you add the opposite of a number to itself you will always get zero?

Yes!! That is correct. a number is a positive number unless the number sentence says otherwise. So if you are adding 3 to its opposite you would be adding (+3) + (-3) and the answer would be 0. If this is hard to understand think of it this way: positive numbers are what you have, negative are what you owe. So You would have 3 and owe 3 for a net of 0.

What does omate mean?

Something that is ornate is designed in a very fancy way, with many elements of decoration. The opposite would be plain or simple. Something that is ornate is designed in a very fancy way, with many elements of decoration. The opposite would be plain or simple.

Does opposite of careful mean conscious?

The word 'careful' means to pay attention to something as you do it - (to do it carefully)The opposite of this would be not to pay attention to something you do as you do it - (to do it carelessly)So the opposite of careful is carelessHere is a sentence : He was careful as he crossed the road and got to the other side OK, but she was careless as she crossed the road and was hit by a car.Conscious means being generally awake and aware. The opposite of this would to be unconscious - someone who has been hit on the head and knocked out would be unconscious.So the opposite of conscious is unconscious

What is 180 degree looks like?

180 degrees would look like a straight line if viewing it in the form of an angle. It is also defined as the exact opposite direction of the initial direction.

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This is when something happens that is the opposite of what was expected?

When something happens that is the exact opposite of what you expected to happen, this is called irony. An example would be getting candles to relieve your stress and them accidentally burning the house down.

What is the opposite of a metaphor?

As a metaphor is a a figure of speech which is applied to something to which it is not strictly applicable, the opposite would be the concept of 'le mot juste' - the right word, the exact word, or maybe 'apposite'

What would it be in the south if it was summer in the north?

the exact opposite

What must mean almost the opposite of narrow?

Broad. The exact opposite would be wide.

What is the opposite of scary?

Something can be tame, or nonfrightening. The opposite of something scary would be something reassuring.

What is the opposite return?

The opposite of return would be departure. The opposite of return (something) would be to keep it. The opposite of the noun return (on investment) would be cost.

What is the the exact opposite of E MC What would the -C represent in reality?

The exact opposite of the C in the equation E = MC^ would be darkness. C is the speed of light, so if you take the light out, -C would be equal to darkness.

What is the opposite of piece?

The opposite concept of a piece (of something) would be the whole.

What is opposite of piece?

The opposite concept of a piece (of something) would be the whole.

What is the opposite of marture by adding the correct prefix?

Im- is the correct prefix. This would make the word immature.

when opposite means completely different why is plate not the opposite of spoon?

Because the opposite of spoon would be fork and the opposite of plate would be spoon And bc is something u use to eat with and a plate is something you eat off of

What is the opposite of avenged?

I do not belive that the word avenged has an exact opposite, however, the word legitimize would be fairly close. The opposite of getting revenge for a crime, would be to accept that crime as a legal act.