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Q: What would be the cost of a 2500W kettle boiling for 5 minutes?
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What would happen if a kettle is filled to the max while the kettle is boiling?

If a kettle is overfilled while boiling, the boiling water can overflow, causing a mess and potentially a safety hazard. It is best to ensure there is enough space in a kettle to accommodate the water expanding as it boils.

What is the boiling point of a kettle?

The boiling point of water in a kettle is typically 212°F (100°C) at sea level. However, at higher elevations, the boiling point may be lower due to decreased atmospheric pressure.

How much energy is used to boil a kettle once?

Boiling a kettle once typically uses around 2000 to 2500 watts of energy for a few minutes, depending on the size and efficiency of the kettle. This can roughly translate to 0.04 to 0.06 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity consumed per boil.

Is a boiling kettle useful or wasted energy?

A boiling kettle is useful for preparing hot water for drinks or cooking. However, leaving a kettle boiling for an extended period would waste energy unnecessarily. It is best to boil only as much water as needed to be energy-efficient.

It takes 3 minutes for a kettle to boil 1 litre of water how many minutes will it take a kettle to boil 1 and half litres of water?

It would take 4.5 minutes for a kettle to boil 1.5 liters of water since it takes 3 minutes to boil 1 liter.

How would you catch the gas from a kettle boiling over a Bunsen burner?

You can catch the gas from a kettle boiling over a Bunsen burner by using a fume hood. The fume hood will help to contain and vent the gas safely out of the laboratory. Additionally, you can ensure proper supervision during the boiling process to prevent the kettle from overflowing.

Why is it called a kettle of hawks?

The link brings you to a YouTube video of a hawk kettle. It would have been better for the lens to be pulled back to a wider angle-- it would be a natural tendency for someone to want to 'zoom' in. But the interactions of the birds is clear. A guess would be that the swarming birds evoked an image of water boiling in a kettle.

What would you add to your water to make it hotter?

You can heat water by boiling it either on the stove or using an electric kettle. Adding anything to water will not make it hotter, but boiling it will increase its temperature.

Why can nitinol be used as a switch to switch off a kettle when it gets too hot?

Nitinol is a shape memory alloy that can return to a predefined shape when heated. In a kettle, nitinol can be used in a spring-like device that deforms and cuts off the power supply when it reaches a certain temperature, providing a safety switch to prevent overheating.

What is a large pot that is used for boiling called?

A large pot used for boiling is called a "stock pot." It is commonly used for making soups, stocks, stews, and for boiling pasta or large quantities of food.

What happens when plate is held over the boiling kettle?

i would really like to know as i dont know what happens and i need to for homestudy eekk please help!!

Why is there high pressure in the mantle?

High pressure in the mantle is due to the overlying weight of the Earth's crust and upper mantle, as well as the intense heat generated by the radioactive decay of elements within the mantle. These factors contribute to the solid rock in the mantle behaving like a viscous fluid over long time scales, resulting in convection currents and plate tectonics.