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Q: What would be the graph on melting chocalate?
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What is melting point for milk chocalate?

Around 30 to 34 oC

What does a Graph of melting point and freezing point of naphthalene look like?

The graph of the melting point and freezing point of naphthalene would show a plateau at the melting point, as the solid naphthalene transitions into the liquid phase, and a plateau at the freezing point, as the liquid naphthalene transitions back into the solid phase. The melting point and freezing point of naphthalene are the same at approximately 80 degrees Celsius.

Would you have chocalate on pizza?

depends how weird you are ...

What if your graph has two flat section joined by slope. What does it mean where the graph is flat On the graph mark when the ice is melting Also mark the boiling water.?

A graph with two flat sections joined by a slope represents a phase change. The flat sections indicate a constant temperature during a phase change, such as when ice is melting or water is boiling. The slope represents a temperature increase or decrease during the transition between phases. In a graph, you would mark the flat section for ice melting and boiling water where the temperature remains constant.

How many people like milk chocalate over white chocalate strawberries?

100,000 people liike milk chocalate and 67,000 like white chocalate

Is Chocalate Milk renewable?

No,chocalate milk is not renewable

How many chocalate blocks are in the chocalate palace?

300000 jitesh patel

What chocalate bar melts faster?

What chocalate bar melts faster?

What is New Yorks state cookie?

the chocalate chip cookie

Does H2O have a lower melting point then CO2?

Yes, H2O (water) has a higher melting point than CO2 (carbon dioxide). Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius, while carbon dioxide freezes at -78.5 degrees Celsius.

Gold's melting point is 1064 degrees celsius and its boiling point is 2808 degrees celsius use this data to make a bar graph?

A bar graph may not be the most suitable way to represent this data since the boiling point is significantly higher than the melting point, leading to a distortion in the graph. A better alternative could be a simple line graph showing the relationship between temperature and physical state (solid, liquid, gas) of gold at different temperature points.

Why is chocalate so tasty?

This is a relative question....faeces could be tasty and chocolate, (not chocalate) tasty. It depends on the taster.