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theres no way u can do this; its impossible

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Q: What would be the most efficient design for a parachute for an egg dropped from twenty-five feet in the air?
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How do you design a parachute for a middle school project?

For a middle school project, you should design a parachute that is the right size for a small action figure. You can make the parachute out of an old pair of parachute pants.

Does his parachute design look practical?

the parachute was made by Jake parasuit

Where was the first airborne invasion?

The first airborne invasion was in Crete in May 1941. German parachute troops invaded the island in large numbers, but were hampered by poor design of parachute harness and lack of rifles and machine guns which were dropped in separate canisters.

When did franz reichelt design his own wearable parachute?


What are the structural components of a hemisphere design parachute?

A hemisphere design parachute typically consists of a canopy made of two semi-circular panels sewn together, a suspension line system connecting the canopy to the harness, a deployment bag to contain the parachute during packing, and a pilot chute used to deploy the main canopy. The parachute design ensures efficient deployment and proper inflation for a safe descent.

Why did he design the parachute?

"He" wanted people to be safe. Like if they had a plain crash the could put on a parachute and glide safely to the ground

Which one was invented first the aeroplane or the parachute?

I would say that Leonardo Di Vinci came up with the design, although it wasn't efficient. Faust Vrancic was credited for inventing it. As for the Aeroplane, it dates back to the Wright Brothers.

What was leornado da Vinci's design for a parachute shaped like?

A Pyramid

What was Leonardo DA Vince's design of a parachute shaped like?

a pyramid

How much does a parachute weigh?

The weight of a parachute can vary depending on its size and design. On average, a parachute used for skydiving typically weighs between 20-30 pounds.

What is the best parachute design to land an egg without cracking out?

Use nothing

Can an aeronautical engineer design a parachute?

Yes. AEs understand the flight mechanics of parachutes.