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Circumference (perimeter) = pi * diameter = 3.141592654 * 21 = 65.973 feet

Surface area = pi * radius 2 = 3.141592654 * 10.5 * 10.5 = 346.36 sq. feet

Volume (cu feet) = 346.36 * depth in feet


Volume * 7.4805 = US gallons

Volume * 6.2288 = imp gallons

(results approximate)

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Q: What would be the total number of feet for a circle shaped pool of a diameter of 21?
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What is the total diameter of a circle?

It is twice the size of a circle's radius.

Diameter to radius?

Diameter- A line going straight from side to side of a circle, equals the total distance across the circle. Radius- Half of the total diameter. For example, if the diameter is 8, the radius is 4.

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The formula for the area of a circle is pi (3.141265...) times the radius squared. Since half of the diameter is the radius, plug that number into the formula to get the total square feet.

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The diameter of a circle is from one point-to the other (a straight line) in a circle(<---->), So in 1 yard being the total distance in length <----1yard--->, the diameter is 1 yard.

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It depended on how much is the diameter in total then you divide it by pi. Pi means-3.14 that is how you get the radios

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Pi is endless. Nobody can determine where the end is.

If a circle has a diameter of 30 feet how many feet is the total perimeter?

30 * pi ≈ 94

What is the area of a circle with diameter of 34 feet?

The formula for the area of a circle is: A=∏r2Where A is the total area of the circle and r is its radiusThe diameter is twice the radius, so the radius in this case would be 17 feet.A=∏*(17)2A=∏*289A=289∏A equals about 907.46 feet

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In a circle, 360 degrees are the total number of degrees.

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The total surface area of the Earth is 5.1 × 108 km2. so 4(pi)r2 =surface area of a circle. solve for (r). r = 6372.2 km diameter = 2r =12744.4 km

Is circumference and diameter the same?

No.Circumference is the total distance around a plane figure. Usually a circle or ellipse.Diameter is the distance of a straight line from edge to edge passing through the centre of a circle.