You would be 35 in July 2010. You would be 34 in July 2009.
As of October 2011, someone born in July 1987 would be 24 years old.
As of July 2011, you would be 25.
If you were born in July 1986, as of December 2009, you would be 23 years old.
If you were born in July 2005, and today is before your birthday in July, you would currently be 15 years old. If today is after your birthday in July, you would be 16 years old.
You would be 32 in July this year (2009)
Would turn 41 on birthday in July 2013 .
Born July 17, you would be born under the sign of Cancer (water element).
no, he died on the 25th July 2008 coz he drowned himself in a fishtank (im sigh kick)
Since it is (as I type) July 2011, you would reach your 50th birthday this month if you had been born in July 1961.
On July 1,1995 you would be 18 years old
"sigh" what do you think?....
As of May 2012, someone born in July 1995 would be 16 years old.
Leo. Leos are born between July 23rd until August 23rd.
Calculated from 2010 the age is 21 years in July.