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An allergy to that food! Get to the doctor and find out why that's happening!

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Q: What would cause major bloating and pain every time one eats?
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Can bloating cause your stomach to get bigger?

The definition of bloating- Bloating is any abnormal general swelling, or increase in diameter of the abdominal area. So i would say yes. That's exactly what bloating is. but the effects are not permanent.

Would a kidney stone or diverticulitis cause morning flatulence?

This may cause a range of symptoms including: abdominal pain and bloating. constipation and diarrhoea. flatulence.

Is sore breasts and bloating signs of early pregnancy?

Sore breasts and bloating can be a sign of pregnancy, but sore breasts can also be a sign your periods due. With the bloating it wouldn't usually occur until about 10wks in pregnancy as you will find yourself constipated which naturally enough would cause you to bloat. When you arrive on your period date you can home test :)

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That would be C-sharp major. Every note is sharp.

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See an OBGYN.

What would cause you to loose all of your oil?

A major leak.

What is the major cause of water contamination in the US?

The major cause would be runoff from farms with pesticides and insecticides, secondly would be contamination, chemical spills, and thirdly would be contamination by people such as matter from animals and humans.

Can phytobezoar cause serious headaches?

Phytobezoars are spherical masses of plant fibre that can be found in the rumen of cattle (and very rarely in sheep or goats). They do not usually cause any harm. It is very unlikely that a phytobezoar would cause headaches - they only cause problems when they block openings in the gastrointestinal tract. This would be more likely to cause symptoms such as abdominal pain or bloating than a headache.

What is the major cause of surface water contamination in the US?

The major cause would be runoff from farms with pesticides and insecticides, secondly would be contamination, chemical spills, and thirdly would be contamination by people such as matter from animals and humans.

Is every country a part of one major continent?

then we would die

What dog disease would cause bloating?

it is either because they ate something bad or just have a sensitive stomach or ate off of the table if you let your pets eat off of the table than that can cause diariah,bloating,or vomiting. if you want to know more than call your vet it could be something serious for the time being just feed them their regular dog food.

What would cause a major earthquake in B.C.?

plate movement and plate tectonics