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M1=currency + demand deposits

So, you will need more information for this question in order to answer it. M1 includes various components such as traveler's checks too; so, once you get the new information you should be able to determine exactly how much is currency in circulation.

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Q: What would currency in circulation as a percent be if m1 is1127.1?
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New Zealand has never issued a Farthing coin. New Zealand's own currency was issued progressively from 1933. Copper coins were issued from 1940. Any Farthings circulating in New Zealand would have been British Farthings which would have been progressively removed from circulation from 1940.

What is 15 percent of 13.50?

To find 15 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.15. In this instance, 0.15 x 13.50 = 2.025. If the number refers to a unit of currency, don't forget to round to the appropriate number of decimal places and include the appropriate currency symbol.

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What is a Swedish penny called?

The currency in Sweden is the Swedish Krona (SEK). There are no penny coins in circulation in Sweden; the smallest denomination is the ΓΆre, but these are no longer used since Sweden switched to a solely digital currency system.