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Q: What would happen if the shape of the analemma's ecliptic angle were to increase?
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Angle between equinoctial and ecliptic known as?

The angle between the equinoctial and the ecliptic is known as the obliquity of the ecliptic. It is the angle between the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun and the plane of the celestial equator. Currently, the obliquity of the ecliptic is about 23.5 degrees.

What is venus' angle of orbit?

I think you mean the angle of the orbit to the ecliptic. The answer is 3.4 degrees.

What planet is the furthers off the plane of the ecliptic?

Eris is tilted at an angle of about 44 degrees to the ecliptic. Although it is considered a dwarf planet.

What will happen to phase angle if the the value of capacitor is increase?

in a series RC circuit phase angle is directly proportional to the capacitance

What on earth is equal to 23.5 degrees?

Tilt is the world you're looking for. "Angle the rotational axis makes with the perpendicular to the ecliptic plane" would be more accurate.

Is the equator tilted on earth?

The equator makes an angle of roughly 23.5 degrees with the ecliptic plane.

What happen to horizontal distance and flying time when you increase the launching angle at 30 degree?

It will increase until you hit 45 degrees and the it will begin to drop.

Shape of the analemma if the ecliptic-equator angle increases?

The shape of the analemma would become more stretched and elongated as the ecliptic-equator angle increases. This is due to the changing angle of the Sun's declination as it moves along the ecliptic throughout the year. A larger angle between the ecliptic and the equator leads to more extreme variations in the Sun's apparent position in the sky over the course of a year.

What is Mars angle of orbit to ecliptic?

Mars has an orbital inclination of about 1.85 degrees in relation to the ecliptic plane. This slight tilt of Mars' orbit means that it does not always align perfectly with the plane of the solar system.

What is the plane of the earths orbit?

The plane of Earth's orbit is known as the ecliptic. It is the flat plane in space that represents the path along which the Earth travels around the Sun. The ecliptic is inclined at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees to the celestial equator.

Explain why there is an angle on the ecliptic that is called obliquity on the eclipticwhat is its importance?

it is because the angle between the plane of the earth,s orbit of that of the celestial equator equal to approximately 23"27 minutes at pressent

Is earth tilted at 15 degrees?

That depends on what you're measuring it against. Measured against the normal to the ecliptic plane, the angle is about 23.5 degrees