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Q: What would happen if you used order of operations to solve a literal equation?
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Related questions

What professions use order of operations?

No professions use order of operations. It is just a method of solving an equation.

Why is it necessary to study order of operations and laws of operations before you solve equations?

Because if you did operations in an impermissible order, or violated laws of operations, then your solution to the equation is wrong.

When do you use order of operations?

You use order of operations in equations that have more than one type of operation going on (for example, an equation with parenthesis, addition, and multiplication). You would use order of operations in equations like that so you know which operation to do first.

Why do you use the order of operations?

We use the order of operations as a method of solving mathematical equations containing three or more operation symbols. The order of operations help us to solve certain segments of the equation before adding it all together to find out what the final answer is.

Why is it important to perform the operations in a equation in a certain order?

Its only important if you want the right answer. If the wrong answer will suffice, than any order will do.

What is the rule for solving equations?

Well, there is the order of operations, which depicts the order that you solve an equation with if you have more than one operation. Here is the order;ParenthesesExponentsMultiplicationDivisionAdditionSubtraction

What is the defenition of order of operations?

If you are speaking of Algebra, the order of operations is know as PEMDAS P=PARENTHESE E=EXPONETS M=MULTIPLY D=DIVIDE A=ADD S=SUBTRACT In order to solve an equation you must use this operation, if not you will not get the answer.

What might happen if there were no standard order of operations?

Calculating could be confusing and leading to an incorrect answer.

Why do you use an inverse operation?

Inverse operations are used to undo mathematical operations and isolate a variable. They help to solve equations and simplify expressions by moving operations to the opposite side of the equation. This allows us to find the value of the variable that makes the equation true.

What uses do you see for understanding Order of Operations?

The order of operations is very VERY important and is a crucial piece of algebra. If you do now know the order of operations (P.E.M.D.A.S.), you will more than likely get every equation that has more than one processes in it, wrong. If you need clarification, feel free to ask :). xoxo blahitsgenaa

What does the math term order of operations mean?

Order of operation means that you go from the left of your equation to the right always doing multiplication and division first and then addition and subtraction

What is 10a subtacted by 15 divided by 5?

10a - 15 ÷ 5 Order of Operations makes the equation this: 10a - 3, which is in simplest form.