Physically burning legal tender is, well, ilegal. But, to answer your question, I found an interesting article written in 1999: Burn Your Money!!! by Robert Rosefsky Here's what I want you to do: On the last day of each month, from now on, each member of your family
You would get 10 five dollar bills.
a dollar is 100 cents so one dollar 25 would be 125 cents.
According to Joshua 6:24 - Then they burned the whole city and everything in it, . . . So the answer would be; "Joshua and his men burned the king of Jericho!
195 100-dollar bills would be 0.84 inches tall.
Two x Five Dollar notes would equal Ten Dollars.Five x Two Dollar coins would also equal Ten Dollars.
They would get burned.
You would have your mouth burned, or would be tortured.
Very, very small
The earth would be destroyed
Field mice do not have an "economy". An "economy" is a human invention.
They are pickpockets, they would be burned at the stake.
The economy would take a tremendous hit.
you will most likely get burned
It would depend on what is in the syringe. If it contained water then you would get wet. If it contained sulphuric acid you would get burned
They would have to deal with the economy instead of the current government.
it would send us in to a Even bigger economical breakdown