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Q: What would jenny have to score on the final exam to pass the class with an average of 85?
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If the final is 15 percent of grade and have an average of 100 what score do you need to get at least 90 in the class?

You do not even need to get a 30% on the final. If you have a 100% in the class and get a 0% on the final, you willl still have an 85% in the class.

What is the average class score round your answer to the nearest whole number?

The answer will depend on the class score.

C in math what do you need on the finals to get an A?

Find out what percentage of your total grade the final is worth. Also find the percentage of any quizes, homeworks, and particiation. Here is an example.. What score do I need If I want a 90% final grade, The final is worth 25% of the class, I have a 85% average on homework which is 50% of the class, and 76% average on quizzes which are 25% of the class. x=score on the final needed for 90% 90=x(.25)+85(.5)+76(.25) Do you see that the average grades are left in whole numbers, where the percentage of the class has been turned into a decimal? Multiply it all out and solve for x!

If your grade in a class is a 60 and your final exam is worth 30 percent what would you have to score on the final to get a 70 or better in the class?


What is the average final score for the gre?

The maximum you can score in GRE is 170. And even if no question is answered correctly the score is 130

What is the average final score for the PSAT?

The Pre-Scholastic Aptitude Test score ranges from 60 to 240. The average final PSAT score for 10th grade is about 125. The average PSAT score for 11th grade is roughly 140. The overall average in 2014 was 142.

If I have gotton a B average in a class all four quarters and I fail my final exam with a 26 what will this drop me to a C. My final is worth 9 of my grade. What do I have to get to keep a B?

You can't since you already have a C with the low final test score. Talk to your prof and see if he has any answers.

What is the score?

When a student takes a test or examination the result they receive, as a number, is often called a score. The average of a collection of scores, say for one class of students, is called a mean score. Mean is just another word for average.

What is the mean score?

When a student takes a test or examination the result they receive, as a number, is often called a score. The average of a collection of scores, say for one class of students, is called a mean score. Mean is just another word for average.

What was the final score in 1973 nba final?

The final score was 4-1 in games but in the final game the score was New York Knicks - 102, L.A. Lakers - 93.

What does it mean if the class average is 70 percent?

It means that the average score of all the students in a class is 70. Ex: Assuming 3 students got the below scores in their English exam for a total score of 100. Student 1 = 60 Student 2 = 70 Student 3 = 80 Total score of 3 students = 60 + 70 + 80 = 210 Average score of 3 students = 210 / 3 = 70

What is the equation you use to find out what you need in the final to get a certain grade in the class?

To find out what score you need on your final exam to achieve a certain grade in a class, you can use the following formula: Final Exam Grade = (Desired Grade - (1 - Final Weight)) / Final Weight. This equation takes into account your current grade, the weight of the final exam, and the desired final grade.