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It depends in which part of the country your living in, here in California it's mostly gophers.
I spent time back east with Uncle Sam and there were moles, Muskrats etc.... Rabbits will burrow and make escape tunnels. It just depends on where you live.

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Q: What would make tunnels in my yard?
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smelling, and mine when they make tunnels they stuff their noses into the bedding and it makes tunnels

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Why do you think the cataphiles use the tunnels?

The Cataphiles use the tunnels for a number of reasons. They dig vents, make maps, and take their time exploring the tunnels. They have also painted murals, and like to take pictures of the different sections of the tunnels. Others have been known to sneak into the tunnels to throw wild parties or to meet someone on a secret date.

When will tunnels be a movie?

Nobody knows! Beside the director and cast! Its times figure when some director thinks hmm..we should make a movie of Tunnels?

How many tunnels could tono tunnel if a tono could tunnel tunnels?

Sheesh! It's the "how much wood would a woodchuck..." again. 1. See the answer to the woodchuck question. 2. Read on. How many tunnels could tono tunnel if a tono could tunnel tunnels. Obvious, yeah? If a tono could tunnel tunnels, then a tono would tunnel as many tunnels as a tono can tunnel. Perhaps tunefully, turbulently, turgidly, temperately, tenaciously, terribly, tempestuously, trepidaciously or terpicatively. Who knows.

When was the vietcong tunnel system built?

Well The tunnel system has been around for ages, but the VC tunnels where special They had kitchens, wells, beds, ammo rooms, they even had an air raid shelter. They would put punji traps (Sharp bamboo traps that would kill you and some times the if you survived they would leave you left for dead, the bamboo would grow right through your body) around there tunnels. But the VC started making tunnels around the 1940's i took about 25 years to build all the tunnels

What Is the importance of tunnels?

flow patterns can be seen visually