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Q: What would occur when light is reflected from a rough or unpolished surface?
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What happens when light is reflected?

Reflections occur when light bounces of a smooth and shiny surface. Glass mirrors have a thin layer of silver on the back so that light is reflected.

Reflection is when light what?

Reflections occur when light bounces of a smooth and shiny surface. Glass mirrors have a thin layer of silver on the back so that light is reflected.

How will light hitting a solid surface be reflected back?

when a light ray is thrown on a PLANE surface two things occur which cause light to reflect 1- the incident ray is equal to the reflected ray 1- the incident ray , the reflected ray and the normal, at the point of incidence, all lie at the same plane

What two things do you need to produce a reflection?

To produce a reflection, you need an object that reflects light and a surface on which the reflection can occur. The object reflects light rays, and these rays bounce off the surface, resulting in a reflected image.

When we can see none of the reflected light from the Moon's surface?

That happens when we're looking straight at the 'back' of the moon ... the entirehalf of its surface on which the sun is not shining. That's the "New Moon" phase,and it's also the only time when a solar eclipse can occur.

Is there a word for light refraction?

Yes, the word for light refraction is simply "refraction." Refraction is the bending of light as it passes through different mediums, such as air and glass, causing a change in its direction.

What happens when light is shone at a block?

When light shines on a block, the block can either absorb, reflect, or transmit the light. The material properties of the block determine which of these actions occur. If the light is absorbed, the block will convert the light energy into heat. If the light is reflected, it will bounce off the block's surface. If the light is transmitted, it will pass through the block.

When does earthshine occur?

Earthshine occurs when light from the Sun is reflected off the Earth's surface and illuminates the dark side of the Moon. This phenomenon is usually visible a few days before and after the new moon phase.

Would brewsters angle be more or less for light in air reflecting off water?

Brewster's angle refers to the angle at which light reflected off a surface is linearly polarized. For light in air reflecting off water, Brewster's angle would be less than if the light were reflecting off air (due to the higher refractive index of water), but it would still occur when the reflected and refracted rays are perpendicular to each other.

When did science know that the moon is reflected light?

I'd imagine this idea would occur soon after the first eclipse.

How do reflection occur?

Reflection occurs when light waves bounce off a surface and return to the medium from which they originated, such as air. The angle at which the light rays strike the surface, known as the angle of incidence, is equal to the angle at which they are reflected, known as the angle of reflection, based on the law of reflection. This phenomenon is responsible for images seen in mirrors and other reflective surfaces.

What happens to green light and red light when they shine on a green leaf?

The green light would be reflected, but the red light would be absorbed. ---Ryan Wang---