0.324 converted to a fraction would be 324/1000. (Three hundred twenty-four over one thousand.)
Twelve twenty fifths is a fraction, twelve over twenty-five. Since a fraction represents a division problem, your denominator 25 would be you divisor and you numerator 12 would be you dividend. 12 divided by 25 = 0.48 (your answer as a decimal)
It would be twelve twenty-seconds, eighteen thirty-thirds, etc.
To reduce a fraction you would just simplify the fraction to its lowest terms. For example: 20/5 reduced would be 4. Another example: 4/8 reduced would equal 1/2.
70/100 You can reduce the fraction by dividing by 10. 7x10 10x10 Your answer would be 7/10.
Twenty one hundreth as a fraction would be 21/100.
16. It would have been a lot quicker to use the calculator on your computer!
28 and 1/6
72 percent is 72/100. If we reduce this fraction, we would get 18/25
The six is in the tenths place, so to convert it to a fraction, it would be 6/10. Then you reduce the fraction if necessary, which in this case would be 3/5.
The fraction 447/500 cannot be reduced any more.
18/20 = 0.9
0.324 converted to a fraction would be 324/1000. (Three hundred twenty-four over one thousand.)
Twelve twenty fifths is a fraction, twelve over twenty-five. Since a fraction represents a division problem, your denominator 25 would be you divisor and you numerator 12 would be you dividend. 12 divided by 25 = 0.48 (your answer as a decimal)
Since the denominator of the fraction is 1, the fraction reduces simply to the number 30.
twenty-one thousand = 21000/1 twenty-one thousandths = 21/1000