That would be called a "common factor" of the two (or more) numbers.
850 is not the greatest common factor of 85 and 10. The person answering the question about the numbers with 850 as the greatest common factor was apparently thinking about the factors of 850 itself, not numbers that would have 850 as their greatest common factor. The greatest common factor of 10 and 85 is 5. The least common multiple of 10 and 85 is 170. The product of 10 and 85 is 850.
Least common denominator: the smallest multiple or factor that is exactly divisible by every member of a set of numbers. Factors of 25: 1, 5, 25 Factors of 30: 1,3,5,10,30 Shared factors of 25 and 30: 1,5 Therefore, the least common denominator would be 1 because it is the smallest factor shared between the two numbers.
I think the you are looking for the greatest common factor of 16 and 24. If you really want the least common factor, it is 1 just like with any other number. The gratest common factor would be 8.
The least common multiples of the numbers 3,4 and 6 would be 12. This is a math problem.
There is not a least common factor of a single number, such as 48 because there cannot be any form of common factor without two or more numbers to compare. Common factors are factors that the numbers being compared have in common. The least common factor would be the smallest factor that all the numbers being compared have in common. If there were two or more numbers, the least common factor would be 1.
There cannot be a least common factor of 27, because there cannot be any form of common factor without two or more numbers to compare. Common factors are factors that the numbers being compared have in common. The least common factor would be the smallest common factor that all the numbers have, which would be 1.
Ordinarily you would need two numbers to find something in common between them, but the least ommon factor of any set of numbers is 1.
The least common factor of any set of numbers is 1.
Short answer: There is none. There is not a least common factor of a single number, such as 120, because there cannot be any form of common factor without two or more numbers to compare. Common factors are factors that the numbers being compared have in common. The least common factor is the smallest factor that all the numbers being compared have in common. Thus, since there are not two or more numbers to compare, there is not a least common factor. Note: The least common factor of two or more positive integers is 1.
The lowest common factor of any set of whole numbers would be 1. The way to find the least common factor would be to list all the factors of each number, determine which factors are common to all numbers, and then choose the smallest. However, that will be 1.By remembering that the least common factor of any set of integers is 1.All you have to do is memorize this: The least common factor of any set of nonzero positive integers is 1.
That would be 5, same as the least common factor.
It depends on what the numbers are. For example, if the prime numbers you were talking about were 3 and 7, the least common multiple would be 21. If your numbers were 2 and 3, it would be 6.
If you want the "least", then there can only be one. If there were more than one,then one would be smaller than the other, and they wouldn't both be "least".The least common factor of 12 and 18 is ' 1 '.In fact, the least common factor of any two numbers is ' 1 '.
The least common factor of any set of integers is 1.
Since 70 is a multiple of 14, it is the least common multiple. Or, you can determine it as you would any pair of numbers. The least common multiple of two numbers is the product of the two numbers divided by their greatest common factor. The greatest common factor of 14 and 70 is 14. Therefore, the least common multiple 14 x 70 ÷ 14 = 70.
In math, there is a least common multiple and a greatest common factor. These terms are used with two or more numbers. "Least" refers to lowest and "greatest" refers to largest. A "least great factor" would mean something like the smallest large factor.