$12.00 * 40 = $480 (This is the amount you would be making weekly).If you worked everyday of the week (amounting 40 hours) for $12 an hour, you would be earning $68.57142857142857 (about $69 per day).Assuming that a month is 30 days, then you would be earning $2057.142857142857 (about $2,057 monthly).
It depends on how many hours you work in a year.If we assume you get paid vacation equal to your regular salary and you work 40 hours a week.52 weeks X 40 hours a week = 2080 hours.$34 000 / 2 080 hours = $16/hr.Of course this is before taxes, unemployment, retirement contribution and whatever else may come out of your paycheck. You're actual take-home pay at $16/hr would likely be a fair amount less than $34 000.
well if it was cash obviously she worked 40 hours in those two weeks and if it i paycheck the average taxes that are removed are about 22 percent so it would be about 48 to 50 hours and sl et bot 400 after takes
man hours are the total amount of hours each employee works. For example, 10 men working one 10 hour shift would be 100 man hours.
The average amount of sleep a 10 year old should have is around 8-11 hours
Your employer would be the one that could give you the percentage amount that you could use to try and determine the amount that you may bring home after all of the taxes federal and state are withheld from your paycheck.
The number of exemptions would have to be increased for this purpose.
The amount that your paycheck is made out to you for is your net take home pay amount for your pay period. You should get this information from your employer payroll department as they will be the one that would know how much FICA, federal income tax, state income, local taxes, etc that they will have to withhold from your hourly pay or gross pay for the pay period. After the withheld amount for all taxes is subtracted from your gross wages (earned income) your paycheck will be issued for the net amount of your earning (wages).
$1644.90 is the monthly base pay of a PFC. Half that amount minus taxes would be each paycheck. It is based on the rank and the time in service for the member.
Why would a minor child have a paycheck?
You will have to get the correct that will be withheld from your GROSS earnings for the pay period from your employer payroll department as they would be the ONLY on that would know how much they will withhold for your state income tax amount before they issued your NET take home paycheck You do NOT ever have any amounts withheld from your NET TAK HOME PAYCHECK after it is issued to you.
The total Percentage amount of withholding for all items from gross wages or gross income. After the total Percentage amount is withheld from your gross pay amount then your net take home paycheck would be issued to you.
Nothing will be withheld from your paycheck because the paycheck is issued to you after all of the necessary taxes have been withheld from your gross earnings (wages). You should get this information from your employer payroll department as they will be the one that would know how much FICA, federal income tax, state income, local taxes, etc they will have to withhold from your hourly pay or gross pay for the pay period. After the withheld amount for all taxes is subtracted from your gross wages (earned income) your paycheck will issued for the net amount of your earning (wages).
You do NOT EVER have any amounts TAKEN OUT OF a net take home paycheck after it is issued to the individual that earned the gross wages. Ever taxpayer situation is different so you DO NOT have ANY AVERAGE amount that would be withheld by the employers payroll department from each employees gross wages, earnings. The net amount that is on the paycheck that you have in your hand is your net pay for the pay period after all of the federal taxes and other necessary withholding amounts have been withheld from your gross earnings by your employer payroll department. You should get the information from your employer payroll department if you really need to know the correct numbers or amount that should be deducted from your gross earnings not from your paycheck.
The amount of money a person makes when making $17.00 an hour, will depend on how many hours a person works. The amount of taxes that are taken out will depend on the state.
You might. If your boss told you specific directions, it would be most intelligent to follow through with those directions if you value your job.