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two circles and an ellipse

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Q: What would the net be called for a cylindrical package could be made?
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How many packages would you need to package 800 cards?

The answer depends on the size of the cards. It could be just one large package.

Where do they package peanut butter?

I would imagine so people could eat it.

What is the definition of package?

A "package" would include more than one element of travel for a single price. For example, air and hotel bundled together for one rate would be considered a "package.A package is a mechanism for grouping related classes into a "group", called package. The package keyword identifies a file as belonging to a certain package. Example: Put the following at the...

How many tablespoons in a package with a weight of 410 gm?

A "package" could contain anything and it is essential to know WHAT to give you a proper answer. If salt for example, it would be 23.8 tablespoons. However if flour it would be about 52 tablespoons.

Can a standalone procedure in Ada have the same name as a procedure within a package?

Yes. One could create a file called standalone.adb with the contents: with Text_IO; procedure Standalone is begin Text_IO.Put_Line("I am so alone"); end Standalone; and have another package in a file called with the contents: package package_1 is procedure Standalone; end package_1; (Not providing the body of this package in the example but obviously one is needed). At this point, we have shown that it is possible but the next question is (maybe) how would you call them. with Standalone; with Package_1; procedure My_Main_Program is begin Standalone; Package_1.Standalone; end My_Main_Program;

Why are lighthouses cylindrical?

They are cylindrical so the force of wind and waves is lessened. If the walls were flat they would have much more pressure on them ................ they used to be sploge shaped but that just looked silly

How long would it take to ship a package to the Netherlands?

It depends on the package and where you are shipping it from.

Is the Chevy s10 Durango a collecter truck?

I would not think so. It was just a trim package called Durango. I cannot see how this would ever be a truck collectors would covet.

In a cylindrical cavity resonator the two modes which are degenerate would include?

TE111 and TM011

Is a skateboard a wheel an axle a?

Yes because on the bottom of the skateboard the wheel would be the wheel and the cylindrical metal part next to the wheel is the axle.

Is talia in Dublin?

There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.There would be people called Talia in Dublin. You could be referring to the suburb of Dublin called Tallaght which sounds similar to Talia.

Is the sentence don't touch that package a fragment?

"Don't touch that package" has a subject and a verb. It's a complete sentence that makes sense. You could even shorten it to "Don't touch" and it would still be a sentence because the subject ("you") is understood.