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We would not be. Everything you see is a mathematical formula. Water, humans, fruit, chicken................................. Everything!!!!!

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: What would the world be without math?
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What will happen to the whole world without math?

We would all be 'not good'.

What would the world be like without maths?

we will not learn math at school.

What is the most important study?

Math is the most important study because everything in this modern world is related and uses math.Without there would have nothing.I wonder how would this world be without math.

Would anything exist without math?

yes we would have some things without math but not alot of things.

Why is the mathematics is the queen of all science?

math is the quen of sience becaus without math there would be no sience

How would the world be different if math didn't exist?

The world would be not smart not one would be working everyone would be dumb!My AnswerSince absolutely everything we do is based on math in some way I would have to say without we would be worse off and living in worse conditions than cave men.

What would math be without hypatia?

Sadly, none of her Hypatia's works survived. So, it cannot be said what math would be like without her contributions.

What happens without math?

Without math, our lives would be a mess. Imagine yourself living without calculations and measurements. This is a worst scenario.

How is math related to the world?

lets put it this way you will never succed without math... every job requires math

What are the Advantages of using number systems?

Well... without number systems math would be impossible... and the peoples without this will not really cooperate with each other in every moment and without this the world is useless.

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