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Q: What would you do were principal for one day?
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What should be capitalised in principal visited on mother's day?

It should be---- Principal visited on Mother's Day.

Can your principal give away your iPod?

No,he can likely take it away from you for a small period, like one school day,as it isn't dangerous,he can't keep it permanently and would be stealing if he did.

What would happen if you kissed your principal?

You would get into trouble. No school principal would allow you to get that close. It is illegal.

When is principal's day celebrated?

March 2

Are you allowed to have one eye?

yes but you may get turned into the principal. you would also lack depth perception

Why is daily compounding important to investors?

Compounding describes how often the interest is added to the principal (the amount that is multiplied by the interest rate to determine the interest charged). to make it easier to see i will use an extremely large annual interest rate of 365% and $1,000,000 principal. if compounded every 4 days, after 4 days the new principal would be $1,040,000 but if compounded daily it adds 1% every day so first day would add $10,000 for $1,010,000 then the second day would add an additional $10,100 for $1,020,100 the 3rd day would add $10,201 totaling $1,030,301 the 4th day would add $10,303.01 total $1,040,604.01 so as you see in this simple example the daily compound gives more than 604 extra. and while in reality the interest would be closer to 3.65% that would be $6 and 4 cents extra for the four days. (on a million dollar loan)

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Is Justin Bieber going to be a principal for a day near telgraph school?

No, not that I know of!

What could very happen if the teacher hit a principal?

It is very likely that the teacher would be fired for hitting on the principal.

Who would Niall be for a day in the band?

Niall would be Louis for a day. In one of their video diaries he agreed with Zayn that they would be Louis for a day

How would one day on Pluto be like?

It would be a freezing, boring, and very lonely day.

How does one sign a document if they have a power of attorney in Oregon?

If Sam Harris is the attorney-in-fact for Christopher Hitchens he would sign Christopher's name on the document and underneath the signature line he would add "by Sam Harris as attorney-in-fact for Christopher Hitchens". The reason the person with the POA signs the principal's name is that the attorney-in-fact is standing in for the principal and therefore signs the principal's name to the document.