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Q: What would you do were principal for one day?
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Can your principal give away your iPod?

No,he can likely take it away from you for a small period, like one school day,as it isn't dangerous,he can't keep it permanently and would be stealing if he did.

Are you allowed to have one eye?

yes but you may get turned into the principal. you would also lack depth perception

When is principal's appreciation day for 2010?

April 19th ,2010

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Niall would be Louis for a day. In one of their video diaries he agreed with Zayn that they would be Louis for a day

What could very happen if the teacher hit a principal?

It is very likely that the teacher would be fired for hitting on the principal.

Is Justin Bieber going to be a principal for a day near telgraph school?

No, not that I know of!

What is node and principal node?

A principal/essential node is one where three or more circuit elements join.A reference node is a chosen principal node from which you measure the voltage or current to other principal nodes.

How would one day on Pluto be like?

It would be a freezing, boring, and very lonely day.

What is the old term for school principal?

A Headmaster (english)

What one symbol of st Patrick's day?

One symbol of Patrick's day would be the shamrock.

Can a Power of Attorney be held liable for a principal's debts?

Under normal circumstances, no. An attorney-in-fact only acts on behalf of the principal and signs for the principal as the principal would act on their own and sign legal documents on their own. The attorney-in-fact has no personal responsibility for the debts of the principal.