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Q: What would you expect the nominal rate of interest to be if the real is 4 percent and the expected inflation rate is 7 percent?
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What happens if inflation rises by just 1 percent?

The dollar in your pocket is worth .99 of a dollar. also nominal interest=real interest+inflation so nominal interest goes up by 1%

The annual nominal rate of interest on a bank certificate of deposit is 12 percent what would be the effect of an inflation rate of 13 percent?

The 12 percent nominal interest means that your money will increase in value by 12% in a year's time in NOMINAL terms.However, the inflation rate of 13 percent says that the cost of goods will increase faster than the value of your deposit.Hence the REAL effect is that the value of your money will fall by 1 percent.

A one-year US Treasury security has a nominal interest rate of 2.25 percent If the expected real rate of interest is 1.5 percent what is the expected annual inflation rate?

Ok, this is my own question. This is what I came up with. can anyone confirm or correct?Maturity r = RR + IP1-YEAR 2.25% = 1.5% + X2.25% - 1.5% = .75%

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3 percent

The real risk-free rate of interest is 4 percent Inflation is expected to be 2 percent this year and 4 percent during the next 2 years Assume that the maturity risk premium is zero What is the yield?

The answers are 7%, 7.33%.

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What is the nominal rate of interest per annum compounded monthly equvalent to effective interest rate of 12.60 percent per annum?

0.9938% per month, when compounded is equivalent to 12.6% annually.

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rose by 1 percent

Julia invested 3000 at an annual interest rate of 5 percent from last year to this year there has been a 4 percent inflation rate after a year the purchasing power of her investment?

rose by 1 percent

Julia invested 3000 at an annual interest rate of 5 percent. From last year to this year there has been a 4 percent inflation rate. After a year the purchasing power of her investment?

rose by 1 percent

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the nominal income rose by 3 percent