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Q: What would you find in the top of the pyramid?
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Would you find a turkey at the bottom or top of an energy pyramid?

You would find a turkey closer to the top of an energy pyramid, as they are primary consumers that feed on plants or other organisms lower in the food chain.

What would you find inside the centre pyramid Khufu?

i do not know what would u find in any pyramid? do you know?

How was it important being a pharaoh?

you would have to be at the top of the pyramid

The top-down view of a rectangular pyramid?

It would be a rectangle when you look from the top.

What is a four sided structure with a pyramid shaped top?

A tall four sides structure with a pyramid on the top was called

What is the difference between the shape of a side view of a retangular pyramid and top-down view of a retangular pyramid?

The side view would be a triangle and the top view would be a rectangle

Which organism would be at the top of an energy pyramid?

killer whale

Where can you find the height of a rectangular pyramid?

we can find the height of a rectangular pyramids located at the top of the base

Where you would find the great pyramid?


What is the top of pyramid called?

The top of the pyramid was called the capstone.

How do you draw a top down view of a rectangular pyramid?

A rectangular pyramid is a pyramid with a rectangular base. Thus, a top-down view of such an object would simply be a rectangle with two diagonal lines connecting opposite vertices.

Would green algae be found at the top of an energy pyramid?

No, green algae would not be found at the top of an energy pyramid. They are producers that form the base of the pyramid, converting sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. Organisms higher up in the pyramid, like herbivores and carnivores, consume the green algae for energy.