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Q: What would you need to bring in a spaceship for 20 years?
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Why did abin sur need a spaceship if he was a green lantern?

He didn't need a spaceship,but he fear his ring would fail him because of a prophecy.

What equipment would you need to travel in to space?

A spaceship.

What equipments would you need to travel to space?

A spaceship.

What is the minimum work that has to be performed to bring a spaceship of mass 2000kg from the surface of the Earth to the Moon?

We would have to know the masses of the Earth and the Moon to figure that out. But I will tell you this: The minimum work done is the energy needed to get the spaceship to the point between the Earth and the Moon where the gravitational influences of the two celestial objects cancel each other. After it passes this point, the spaceship will be pulled towards the Moon by the Moon's gravitational attraction, thus eliminating the need to push the spaceship further.

How can you have a spaceship in little space heroes?

You need to past your spaceship test to get a spaceship then go to a lunch pad then there you have it.

Do you need a license to fly a spaceship?

Yes, you would. Spaceships are 'probably the hardest thing to fly'!

What could help a spaceship get to the nearest star?

In order to get anywhere close to a star you would need some kind of protection from the extreme temperatures whether it be in the form of shields, a new coat of protection around the spaceship (so it wouldn't melt), etc. You would also need protection from the ultraviolet light waves. Also, in terms of fuel, you would either need a lot more or you would need a more efficient fuel to get you there sooner. Either way, it would take many many light-years to reach any star beyond our solar system.

What should you pack when your going to Neptune?

If you were traveling to Neptune, you would need to bring a space suit to protect you from the extreme cold, lack of breathable air, and high-pressure environment. You would also need essential supplies like food and water, as well as communication devices and scientific equipment for research purposes. Additionally, you may also need to bring solar-powered equipment to harness energy from the distant sun.

What is the desicnation to launch the spaceship to launch on poptropica?

you need to be i astro knights in space i would know I am 11

What do you need to be an astronut?

a fully operational spaceship

Can owner claim real property that is within neighbors property line such as a drive that is not used?

No, not simply because it is not used. You would need to use it openly for a certain period of years (that varies in different jurisdictions) and then bring a lawsuit for adverse possession to the local court of equity.No, not simply because it is not used. You would need to use it openly for a certain period of years (that varies in different jurisdictions) and then bring a lawsuit for adverse possession to the local court of equity.No, not simply because it is not used. You would need to use it openly for a certain period of years (that varies in different jurisdictions) and then bring a lawsuit for adverse possession to the local court of equity.No, not simply because it is not used. You would need to use it openly for a certain period of years (that varies in different jurisdictions) and then bring a lawsuit for adverse possession to the local court of equity.

Will a spaceship need more or less energy to take off from the moon than the earth?

A spaceship would need less energy to take off from the Moon compared to the Earth due to the Moon's lower gravity. The Moon's gravity is about 1/6th that of Earth, so a spacecraft would require less thrust to overcome gravity and achieve liftoff.