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Due to the relative densities of these 2 items, the 1kg of gold would be an easier item to carry due to it's small size, rather than the bulk of carrying 1kg of feathers. The added value of the gold would also be more enticing.

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Q: What would you rather carry at school a kilo gram of gold or a kilo gram of feathers?
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Why would 1 kg of lead be less awkward to carry than 1 kg of feathers?

Because 1 kg of lead can be easily carried in one hand as opposed to the sise of the container you would need to make up 1 kilo of feathers, as a matter of fact it would be impossible to Carie 1 kilo of feathers without a container of some sort.

Do feathers weight more?

I would need more details to answer but if your asking about the common question, "What weighs more, an ounce of feathers, or an ounce of rocks?" then they are the same.

What is heavier 2000 pounds of sand or 2000 pounds of feathers?

They total the same, a handful of sand for example would weigh more than a handful of feathers but because they both add up to a specific weight neither is heavier than the other there would just be more feathers than sand..

Why does a pound of feathers and a pound of lead weigh the same?

Because pounds measure weight. A pound of feathers would be a whole lot bigger than a pound of lead.

Which has a higher density a kilogram of sand or a kilogram of feathers?

Sand. Density is mass / volume. So a higher volume will equal a lower density. Clearly a Kg of feathers will (normally) take up more volume than a Kg of sand therefore the feathers are less dense. You could think of it this way: density is measuring how close together the atoms in a substance are. When the atoms are closer together they take up less volume and the substance is more dense. If you put a Kg of feathers in a box, the feathers would not all join together perfectly meaning that there would be gaps between feathers and therefore the volume taken up by the feathers is greater. You could prove this by trying to push your hand through the feathers. You would be pushing through partly air (which is a mixture of gases and the atoms in a gas are further apart than in a solid) so the task would be easier. It is like comparing pushing your hand through a solid and pushing your hand through solids separated by gas. The latter is easier because there is some "room" for the atoms in the solid to move in to and thus for the feathers to move out of the way of your hand.

Related questions

Why would 1kg of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1kg of feathers?

Because it would be a lot smaller.and also feathers weigh les so that would be more feathers you would have to carry.; )

Why would 1kg of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1kg of feather?

Because it would be a lot smaller.and also feathers weigh les so that would be more feathers you would have to carry.; )

Why would 1kg of lead be less akward to carry around than 1kg of. feathers?

Lead is more dense and compact than feathers, so 1kg of lead would take up less space and would be easier to carry around in a smaller package. Feathers are lighter and bulkier, so they would occupy more space and be more awkward to carry.

Why would 1 kg of lead be less awkward to carry around that 1 kg of feathers?

Lead is denser than feathers, therefore it would be smaller for the same weight. (feathers may be safer in the long run due to health effects ;) )

Would you rather swing on a star carry moonbeams home in a jar or would you rather be a mule?

I think i'd rather be a mule ^_^

Why would 1 kg of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1 kg feathers?

Although they both weigh the same, the kg of feathers would be much more unwieldy, due to its volume. If the feathers were being carried in an open container, on a windy day, when you reached your destination, you would most likely have many less feathers than when you started!

Why would 1 kg of lead be less awkward to carry than 1 kg of feathers?

Because 1 kg of lead can be easily carried in one hand as opposed to the sise of the container you would need to make up 1 kilo of feathers, as a matter of fact it would be impossible to Carie 1 kilo of feathers without a container of some sort.

Why does 1kg of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1kg of feathers?

One kilogram of lead is denser than one kilogram of feathers, so it takes up less space. This makes it easier to carry the lead compared to the same weight of feathers, which would occupy much more volume and be more cumbersome.

Why would 1 kilogram of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1 kilogram of feathers?

Because of its' mass density. The lead would be much smaller in size.

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Why would 1 kg of lead be less awkward to carry around than 1 kg of feathers?

Although they both weigh the same, the kg of feathers would be much more unwieldy, due to its volume. If the feathers were being carried in an open container, on a windy day, when you reached your destination, you would most likely have many less feathers than when you started!

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