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You would use square inches if you were trying to measure the area of a 2D shape.

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Q: What would you use square inches for?
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Which unit would you use to measure the area of the top of your table?

In metric, you would use square meters and/or square centimeters, depending on how large your table is. In America one might use square inches or square feet.

What is the formula for converting square feet to square inches?

One square foot would be 12 inches by 12 inches, or 144 square inches. This means to convert square feet to square inches, multiply the number of square feet by 144 to to get the number of square inches.

If you use a square with side lengths of 6 inches. what is the perimeter of the square?

24 inches

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The area would be 81 square inches.

What is the circumference of 324 square inches?

Assuming it is a circle, it is about 63.8 inches, a square would be 72 inches.

What would the area of the square that is 24 inches?

If the sides are 24 inches the area is 576 square inches.

How many square centimeters are in an area of 11.0 inches squared?

Note that "11 inches squared" means 11 x 11 or 121 square inches. 11 square inches would be 70.97 square centimeters (1 square inch = 6.4516 square centimeters) 121 square inches would be 780.64 square centimeters.

How many square feet in 30 inches x 48 inches?

Multiply width by length to get the area. The answer would be 1440 square inches which would be 10 square feet.

How would you convert 20 square inches to square feet?

144 square inches = 1 square foot20 square inches = 20/144 = 0.1389 square foot (rounded)

Will you have 150 square inches if the material comes in rolls of 12 inches wide and you buy a section 12 inches long?

No. 12 inches by 12 inches = 144 square inches. To get 150 square inches from a roll 12 inches wide, you would need to buy 12.5 inches. That would measure exactly 150 square inches.

How much square feet is 41 16x16 tiles?

If they 16 is in inches, this would be 256 square inches per tile. That would cover 10,496 square inches. Divide by 144 and you get 72.89 square feet.

How do you make a square out of 225 square inches?

The square root of 225 is 15 so the answer would be 15 inches.