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Proven Theorems.. Plato ;)

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Q: What would you use to support statements thst make up a geometric proof?
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What kind of statements would you prove with a geometric proof?

Riders, lemmas, theorems.

How do you do proofs?

A proof is a very abstract thing. You can write a formal proof or an informal proof. An example of a formal proof is a paragraph proof. In a paragraph proof you use a lot of deductive reasoning. So in a paragraph you would explain why something can be done using postulates, theorems, definitions and properties. An example of an informal proof is a two-column proof. In a two-column proof you have two columns. One is labeled Statements and the other is labeled Reasons. On the statements side you write the steps you would use to prove or solve the problem and on the "reasons" side you explain your statement with a theorem, definition, postulate or property. Proofs are very difficult. You may want to consult a math teacher for help.

How would you describe geometric isomers?

Which of the following statements correctly describes geometric isomers? Their atoms and bonds are arranged in different sequences.They have different molecular formulas.They have the same chemical properties.They have variations in arrangement around a double bond.They have an asymmetric carbon that makes them mirror images.

Where did wegener look for proof that would support his theory of continental drift?

Alfred Wegener looked for several lines of evidence to support his theory of continental drift, including the fit of the continents like puzzle pieces, matching geological formations across continents, similarities in fossils and plants, and evidence from paleoclimate data such as glacial deposits.

What proof do you need to show the judge and have your child support stopped on your son father?

Marriage to the child's father would be the best proof, I suppose.

In what kind of proof do you assume the opposite of what you want to prove?

This is a "proof by contradiction", where the evidence would fail to support the reverse assumption, giving credence to the original hypothesis.

When motioning to reduce child support will previous year's bank statements be used in calculation?

Records of income would be better.

When applying for a loan from a bank why is it important to have income statements and balance sheets?

Banks would like to know if you are able to pay back what you are borrowing, so it is vital that you show proof of income and assets,, it is with these statements that they can assess and approve the amount of your loan.

When child support is paid in full what can the non custodial parent get for proof that would be official or legal?

The best document would be a court order to that effect.

Do axioms need a proof in the logical system?

An axiom is a statement that is accepted without proof. Proofs are based on statements that are already established, so therefore without axioms we would have no starting point.

What is geometric object that has no dimensions?

That would be the point.

What geometric solid would slide?
