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You could be born in any year it depends what year it is now. If you were born in 1999 you would be 12 in 2011 and maybe 2012. It also depends on when your birthday is.

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Q: What year are you supposed to be born in if you are 12?
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If your born in 2001 then what year will you turn 12?

Add how old you will be (12) to the year you were born (2001) to get the year you will be that old (2013).

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There is no average. Everyone is different.

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Maybe about 96lbs.

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12-year-olds are recommended to sleep for about 9-12 hours per night for optimal health and development.

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They normally would be in 6th grade right now (the 2011-2012 school year) since you are supposed to be 11-12 in 6th grade.

How many hours dose a 12 year old sleep?

well... 12 years old supposed to sleep 8 hours a sleep.

A 12 year old girl supposed to weigh 80 pounds?

to be honest that sounds under weight

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American Born was created on 1913-12-01.

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No. There is supposed to be someone of 16yrs or older watching them.