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Q: What year did the water displacement method get invented?
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What is the water displacement method for i have no clue what it is someone please help me?

The water Displacement method is simply when there are 2 cups and a tray. The first bucket has a spout, and is filled to the max with water. Then a second smaller bucket is placed inside. The tray on the bottom collects water that has spilled out (the water that spills is equal to the objets mass). When objects are placed in the small bucket, it pushes water out of the the larger one, and fills the tray. The tray can then be weighed to see how much mass the object has. Hope this helps! =) -A twelve year old

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chocolate invented the filter in the year 8043 A.D.

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It was invented by Taylor V. L. Lightner on the year 99,999,999,999,999 b.c.

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The water wheel dates back to 4,000 years BC.

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In 1922, when Ralph Samuelson of Minnesota first discovered water skiing.

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