A month always has 28 or more days, so as there are 7 days in a week there are always at least 4 Saturdays and four Sundays in a month. As most months have more than 28 days, there can be up to 5 Saturdays and up to 5 Sundays in a month.
There is no special name for that. Note that this can't happen for June - June only has 30 days. For months with 31 days, this is fairly common; on average, one in every seven years has (for example) a July with these properties.
In 2013, there are four.
When a month has 28 days, this can't happen. When it has 29 days (February of every leap year) it happens only when the first day of the month is a Saturday. When a month has 30 days, then if the first day of the month was a Saturday, you would also get 5 Sundays. To get 5 Saturdays and only 4 Sundays, then, means the first day of a 30-day month has to be a Friday. For a 31-day month, you need the first day of the month to be a Thursday, so that days 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 are Saturdays and days 4, 11, 18 and 25 are Sundays. A rough calculation would suggest that the probability of getting the Saturday on the first day of a 29-day month is 1 in 7, that of getting it on the second day of a 30-day month is 1 in 7 and getting it on the third day of a 31-day month is 1 in 7. So any given month (except February on non-leap years) has a chance of about 1 in 7. 28-day months happen 97 out of every 4800 months in the current Gregorian calendar. So for the other 4703 months out of 400 years, there's a 1 in 7 chance. According to my calculations, it's a 14.00% chance of it happening in the long run, or about once every 7 months on average.
Well they have a timetable: Mondays: 21 Tuesdays: 13 Wednesdays: 3 Thursdays: 1,000,000 Fridays: 74 or 65 depending on the weather Saturdays: 46 Sundays: 683 (exactly)
A month always has 28 or more days, so as there are 7 days in a week there are always at least 4 Saturdays and four Sundays in a month. As most months have more than 28 days, there can be up to 5 Saturdays and up to 5 Sundays in a month.
Erika- Saturdays & Sundays 3-5 pm.
According to my desktop calendar, July will have five Fridays and Saturdays (and even some Thursdays) in 2016, 2021, 2022, 2027,2032, 2033, etc... If you look at http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/monthly.html?year=2021&month=7&country=1 you will see that 2021, 2027, 2032 do not have 5 Sundays. The other years 2016, 2022, 2033 do have 5 Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. You are little confused since your first parahraph discusses Fridays and Saturdays, in which case 2021 and 2022 do indead have 5 Fridays and 5 Saturdays in July. In paragraph two above, you begin talking about Sundays and which years in which July will 5 each of Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Every month with 31 days will have 5 instances of the first 3 days in the month. This will repeat in a 5-6-5-11 year cycle and then repeat. So it should be 2016, 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2056 - don't forget to consider leap year which will cause a 1 day shift.
That depends on WHICH Sabbath you're looking up: 1. Fridays - Muslims 2. Saturdays - Jews 3. Sundays - Christians
Best Buy opens at 6 am on Sundays and 3 am during the rest of the week
all 12 months have 3 Mondays
Let's see............... She can be found in Celedon City next to the fountains (south of the city) on Saturdays and Sundays from 3:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Battle her on Sunday mornings.
Man I Hate Mondays - 2010 Best of 2010 Year in Review 2-1 was released on: USA: 3 January 2011
On Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, prices are $22.00 for a 3 hour pass and $30.00 for an all day pass. Have fun! :)
There is no special name for that. Note that this can't happen for June - June only has 30 days. For months with 31 days, this is fairly common; on average, one in every seven years has (for example) a July with these properties.
The weekend opening hours of the company GL Cars who are based in Surrey are 9:00 am whilst 3:00 pm on saturdays. Unfortunately they are not open on sundays.