If you are 98 in 2009, then you was born in 1911.
If you are 98 in 2011, you were born in either 1912 if you have not already celebrated this year's birthday or 1913 if you have celebrated this year's birthday already.
8640 hours
yes it is
No possible to determine without knowing what you are trying to measure. You need to be able to calculate the density of the liquid (e.g. water vs mercury).
it is a 1970
I have a Mercury 9.8 ser# 2801967 how old is this motor? Im trying to get some parts for it and am having trouble with this .
no 10 year difference
9.8hpmercury brown band ser no.8053576 what is the date of manufacture
Mercury 3.9 HP. Single Serial Number 1657514
100-400 USD or so
what is the year made and value of ser. #'s 7g 10367 &236272 Belgium browning
It's in the ser.# - but I have to see it to tell which year. Any appliance parts store can tell you if they see full ser.#.
This was produced in 1977 according to Marine engine dot com