No.If you were born on the year 2001 then you would be born on the year of the snake.
Since you have had your birthday anniversary this year,Year of birth = Current year minus Age. You were born in 1968.
IF you will be 25 in the year 2012 - you were born sometime in the year 1987 !
She was born in 1875
yes he did i think
Kaj Goldberg is 43. Born in May 1967.
Kaj Goldberg is a news and weather anchor for KCBS. He is married and has three children. Details are scarce about Goldberg's wife and it is not known what nationality she is.
Kaj Goldberg is American. He was born in Los Angeles, California. However, his father is from Egypt and his mother is from the U.S. Virgin Islands.
African american
As of May 7, 2014, Kaj Golberg lives in Los Angeles with his wife and children. He is currently working at KCBS/KCAL.
Black and swedish
Kaj Frederiksen was born in 1916.
Kaj Skagen was born in 1949.
Kaj Björk was born in 1918.
Kaj Birksted was born in 1915.