when was luis coronel born
No.If you were born on the year 2001 then you would be born on the year of the snake.
Since you have had your birthday anniversary this year,Year of birth = Current year minus Age. You were born in 1968.
IF you will be 25 in the year 2012 - you were born sometime in the year 1987 !
She was born in 1875
when was luis coronel born
Adilene Idalie is Luis Coronel's girlfriend.
Bebe coronel
He was born February 3, 1996 in Tucson, Arizona.
Luis Avalos was 67 years old when he died on January 22, 2014 (born September 2, 1946).
When is Luis cornel birthday
Tuscon, Arizona
The airport code for Teniente Coronel Luis a Mantilla International Airport is TUA.
He us 17
He sings Mexican music
According to the Music Videos, and all the photos, Luis Coronel favorite color is Red!
Left handed