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a millennium is 1000 years. 2010-1000=1010. so 1010.

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Q: What year was it 1 millennium ago?
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How many year in 1 millennium?

There are a thousand years in one millennium.

How many 1 millennium in a year?


What is third millinnium?

A millennium is 1000 years. Therefore, the first millennium (after Christ) is years 1-1000, the second millennium is 1001-2000, and the third millennium (which started a few years ago) is 2001-3000.

How long ago was 8200 bce?

Answering in 2018 CEAssuming that there is a 0 CE since 2000 CE was apparently the first year of the third millennium CE, it was 2018 - -8200 = 10,218 years ago (Unless there was also a 0 BCE, in which case it was 10,219 years ago.)Answering in 2018 ADThere was no year 0 AD (nor 0 BC) which means that 2000 AD was the LAST year of the second millennium AD, and 2001 AD was the FIRST year of the third millennium AD. Assuming you mean 8200 BC: → 8200 BC was 2018 - - 8200 - 1 = 10,217 years ago.

About how long ago was 3 millennium BC?

It was a very long time ago in the bc land.

When will the next millennium year be?

The next millennium year will be in the year 3000.

How many years is a thousand years ago?

A thousand years ago is a millennium ago.A millennium is a thousand years.A millenium

When did the second millennium begin?

In the year 2000, januari 1.

What millennium was the year 1399 in?

The year 1399 was in the second millennium.

When was the third milienm?

The first millennium was from the year 1 to 1,000, the second millunium was from 1,001 to 2,000 while the third millennium (which we are now in) is from the year 2,001 to 3,000

Was there a year called 0?

Nope - the calendar went from the year 1 BC - to the year 1 AD. Which is why all the millennium celebrations were a year early ! The end of the last millennium and the start of this one happened on the evening of Dec 31 2000 - not 1999 !

What will be the millennium in year of 3000?

It will be the third millennium, being its final year.