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In the year 970.

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Q: What year was lief Ericsson was born?
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When was Lief Ericsson born?

In the year 970.

Where was Lief Ericsson born?


How did lief Ericsson get the name lief the lucky?

lief ericsson got the name lief the lucky because on the way back from Norway he saved a icelandic and his crew

What was lief Ericsson important voyage?

When he discovered North America, in the year 1002 or 1003.

What did lief Ericsson discover?

North America.

How did lief Ericsson die?

right now, this second

What caused Lief Ericsson's death?

he died of starvation

Who was lief Ericsson's mom?

Leif Erica the 3rd

Who reached America 500 years before Columbus?

lief ericsson

Who did Lief Ericsson go with?

The Vikings... and sometimes with his father Eric the Red.

What was the purpose of Lief Ericsson voyage?

To find new lands to colonize.

Who sponsored lief Ericsson's journey?

No one. He had his own ship and supplies.