No.If you were born on the year 2001 then you would be born on the year of the snake.
Since you have had your birthday anniversary this year,Year of birth = Current year minus Age. You were born in 1968.
IF you will be 25 in the year 2012 - you were born sometime in the year 1987 !
She was born in 1875
what year was luis cornel born
Sisyphus was born in Greek mythology, so he is a fictional character and does not have a historical birthdate. The story of Sisyphus is depicted in ancient Greek literature, with different sources providing variations of his life and deeds.
Unknown, Greek myth does not say.
No, Sisyphus was the son of the mortals Aeolus and Enarete.
The Myth of Sisyphus was created in 1942.
Sisyphus was not immortal, but a mortal king of Ephyra.
Sisyphus was not worshipped; he was not a ancient Greek god.
Sisyphus betrayed Zeus to Asopus.
Yes, Sisyphus was the mortal son of Aeolus and Enerete.
Sisyphus's belief that he was cleaver than Zeus. Which is why he was punished in the Underworld.
Sisyphus was a king of Ephyrain ancinet Greece, a figure in Greek myths.
Autolycus, the grandfather of Odysseus, is said to have stolen cattle from Sisyphus. Sisyphus discovered the theft and placed identifying marks on the cows to prove their ownership.
No Sisyphus was not a Titan he was a mortal king of Ephya the son of Aeolus and Enerete.