Someone celebrating their 72nd birthday in 2018, was born in 1946.
As of June 10 2013, they were born between 11 June 1936 and 10 June 1937.
You would be 72 going on 73 this year
Well, honey, if you're 72 this year, then you were born in 1949. Simple math, darling. Just subtract your age from the current year and voilà, you've got your answer. Now go ahead and celebrate that fabulous 72nd birthday!
If you will be age 13 on birthday of June 17, 2012, year born was 2012 - 13 = 1999 If you are already 13, year of birth was 1998 and you will be 14 on June 17, 2012
June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.
Someone celebrating their 72nd birthday in 2018, was born in 1946.
the year of 72 b.c <<<WRONG! cleopatra wasnt even born yet in 72 bc
As of June 10 2013, they were born between 11 June 1936 and 10 June 1937.
This year, 2009, minus birth year, 1947, equals 62.
John Wayne died June 11th 1979 of lung and stomach cancer.
You would be 72 going on 73 this year
You would be 72 at the beginning of the year and 73 by the end of the year.
Mithun Chakraborty is 67 years old (birthdate June 16, 1950).
born June 20th, 1901.