If you were born earlier in the year, you would currently be 16. If you were born later in the year, you would be turning 16. (This is with a current date of 2012.)
calculated in 2010 the year of birth was 1994.
You will turn 16 in 2012.
People turning 16 in 2015 were born in 1999.
You were born in 1997.
In the United States it is illegal for 16 year olds to smoke
who are hiring 16 year olds in knoxville tennessee
! have 3 kids, and my 16 year olds get in trouble at the mall way more then my 14 year old does.
The Sainsbury's store in Apsley employs 16 year olds.
5 year olds to 16 year olds.
You are 13 this year (2009) you are 16 this year (2012)
well 12 year olds can ride a bike, 13 year olds can go see pg-13 movies, 14 year olds can go to high school, 15 year olds can get their learner's permit and 16 year olds can get their driver's licenses!!! go 16 year olds!!
If you were born earlier in the year, you would currently be 16. If you were born later in the year, you would be turning 16. (This is with a current date of 2012.)
habbo is for 8 year olds and is about to be banned. HABBO IS NOT FOR 8 YEAR OLDS ITS FOR 13+ BUT THE MAYBE CHANGE FOR 10+.
it depends on if its a 16 year old boy or 16 year old girl
16 year olds like a wide variety of food. It is common knowledge that most 16 year olds enjoy pizza, taco bell and other fast food places.
Many places will hire 16 year olds. Just keep labor laws in mind. 16 year olds can not legally work certain jobs.