If you are 42 years old, you were born in 1980. This calculation is based on the current year (2022) minus your age (42). The result is the year you were born.
42 years previous to the current year.
2017 − 42 = 1975 was the year of birth.
If you are 42 years old, you were born in 1980. This calculation is based on the current year (2022) minus your age (42). The result is the year you were born.
42 years previous to the current year.
If you turn 42 in the year 2012 then you were born in 1970.
2017 − 42 = 1975 was the year of birth.
Well, we are living in 2013 right now so by simple subtraction, you would find that a 42 year-old was born in 1971 (2013- 42 = 1971)
Take the current year and subtract 42 from it. For example, if the year was 1962, then subtracting 42 from it would equal 1920.
As today is the 1st January 2010, you were born in the year 1967.
Well, honey, if someone is 42 years old, all you gotta do is subtract 42 from the current year to find out when they were born. So, if we're in 2022, that means they were born in 1980. Math doesn't lie, darling.