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You were born in 2008.

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Q: What year were you born in if you are 5 years old?
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What year were you born in if you are 5 years old today?

2008. You were born on November 9, 2008.

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Primary school kindergarten- 4-5 years old. year 1- 5-6 years old year 2- 6-7 years old year 3- 7-8 years old year 4- 8-9 years old year 5- 9-10 years old year 6 - 10-11 years old high school year seven- 12 years old year eight- 13 years old year nine- fourteen years old year ten- fifteen years old year eleven- sixteen years old year twelve -seventeen and eighteen years old.

Would you write 5-year-old or 5 year olds?

You can use either "5 years old" or "5-year-old" ex. Brian is 5 years old. ex. Brian is a 5-year-old.

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Mr. McKnight was born on June 5, 1969, making him 40 years old this year.

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Chris Brown was born on May 5, 1989.He is 20 years old. Rihanna was born on February 20, 1988.She is 22 years old.

What is the true age of a 5 year old boxer?

They say a Human's year is 7 years to a dog because of their growth rate. So your 5 year old Boxer is 35 in dog years.

How old is a 5 year old dog in human years?

35 dog years old- if a dog is 1 human year old, the dog is 7 years old in dog years. 7 times 5=35 years old.

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Paul "Kevin" Jonas is 30 years old (born November 5, 1987)

Can an 7 year old boy be in love with a 5 year old girl?

no you can't date a girl that is 5 years old